Apart from this, the producers have tied up with Karbon group to launch 5,00,000 Kochadaiyaan mobiles. These phones, which will be launched in Seotember, will have exclusive screen savers and images from the film along with the trailer and the signature tune. Kochadaiyaan, directed by Soundarya R. Ashwin, and with music by Oscar winner A.R. Rahman, will be released in Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, English and Japanese. The music release of the film is planned in Tokyo and multi-city premieres of the film are being planned across Los Angeles, London and India. The film is scheduled to release towards the end of the year.
Jaya TV bags Kochadaiyaan rights
Apart from this, the producers have tied up with Karbon group to launch 5,00,000 Kochadaiyaan mobiles. These phones, which will be launched in Seotember, will have exclusive screen savers and images from the film along with the trailer and the signature tune. Kochadaiyaan, directed by Soundarya R. Ashwin, and with music by Oscar winner A.R. Rahman, will be released in Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, English and Japanese. The music release of the film is planned in Tokyo and multi-city premieres of the film are being planned across Los Angeles, London and India. The film is scheduled to release towards the end of the year.
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