The Ajith Kumar's trailer recorded five lakh views in just 48 hours and it is said to be the highest ever views recorded for any trailer of a Thala film in two days. As of now, the clipping has been viewed 552,399 on Youtube. The buzz is that the trailer has driven the actor's fans crazy and they are watching it over and over again. The link is also being shared through social networking websites and e-mails.
The latest trailer gives hint about David Billa's transformation from an ordinary man to underworld kingpin. It also shows Ajith Kumar mouthing some punch dialogues and doing some hair-rising action sequences. Meenakshi Dixit, Vidyut Jamal and others are also seen in the trailer.
However, the trailer, which was released on Monday (June 2) around 7 pm after the plans of launching it through a function went for a toss, received over 3.5 lakh hits in less than 24 hours.
Ajith Kumar, Parvathy Omanakuttan, and Bruna Abdullah starrer Billa 2 is directed by Chakri Toleti. The movie will hit the screens on July 13.
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