The Ajith Kumar's movie is releasing worldwide tomorrow (July 13) on 1,200 plus screens in multiple languages including in Telugu as David Billa. The excellent pre-talk suggests that it could definitely overpower Sudeep starrer Naan Ee, which does not have any well-known Tamil star in the movie. Being a straight film, Billa 2 is expected to make one of the highest collections of the year in the first weekend.
In the opening weekend, Naan Ee not only did good business in Chennai but also in the US and other countries. It received overwhelming response from the multiplex audience. Nonetheless, it is believed that it could not face the competition of the Ajith Kumar's movie, says trade circle. However, the collection of SS Rajamouli film could be better in the next week if the Ajith's film fails to impress the audience.
Billa 2, a prequel to Billa, is a gangster film, which also features Parvathy Omanakuttan and Bruna Abdullah in the leads. The movie tells the story of David Billa's transformation from an ordinary man to underworld kingpin. On the other end, Naan Ee is a socio-fantasy film starring Sudeep, Nani and Samantha. It is the story of a fly, which seeks revenge on the villain in its reincarnated form.
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